How to Overcome Addiction to Narcotics in 4 Months or Less

Narcotic addiction can be severe, but there are ways you can overcome this issue quickly and effectively in order to begin your life in recovery. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) now to find rehab programs that will benefit your needs and allow you to safely put an end to your substance abuse.

Attend a Professional Rehab Program

Overcome Addiction

Having the support of loved ones will help you succeed in recovery.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Generally… participation for less than 90 days is of limited effectiveness,” and therefore, most effective rehab programs must last at least this long to create a strong recovery for patients.

Depending on the severity of your condition, either inpatient or outpatient care may suit you better, but both programs should last at least 90 days. In treatment, you will receive access to:

  • Medications like methadone and buprenorphine that can help minimize your withdrawal symptoms, reduce cravings, and block the opioid receptors in your brain so you can focus on your recovery
    • You may want to continue maintenance with one of these drugs for a year or longer, especially if you have a severe dependency on opioids, but it is important to discuss your treatment regimen and expectations for care with your doctor.
  • Behavioral therapies that will help you learn how to recognize and avoid triggers, cope with cravings and stress, and change your attitudes and behaviors so your substance abuse will become a thing of the past
  • Holistic treatments like yoga, art therapy, etc. that will help you express thoughts and feelings that may be difficult for you to get across in therapy

When you choose to attend a rehab program for your recovery from narcotic abuse, you will be able to heal faster and more safely than if you tried to go through recovery alone. We can help match you with programs that will fit your needs as well as those that will accept your insurance

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Attend Narcotics Anonymous or Another Self-help Group

Mutual-help groups like Narcotics Anonymous can be extremely beneficial to one’s recovery. The program is completely free, and according to the NIDA, most rehab programs encourage patients to attend 12-step step meetings either during or after treatment.

NA helps promote beneficial lifestyle goals like abstinence, and the 12-step program creates a helpful guide for recovery.

However, if you are not interested in attending 12-step meetings, there are other types of self-help groups where you can receive other benefits and not have to abide by these specific criteria. SMART Recovery, for example, provides a program that teaches members “how to change self-defeating thinking, emotions, & actions” (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).

Make Long-term Changes

One of the first and most important changes you can make is getting rid of all of your drugs and paraphernalia. If you believe this will be difficult for you, ask a friend or family member for help. Once these items are out of your vicinity, it will be much easier to focus on your recovery.

Another long-term change you can make is to modify your habits so that you will not be triggered to use. If there are certain places or people that you associate with your substance abuse, steer clear of these. If someone truly cares about you, they will understand when you tell them you are trying to get better.

You can also improve your situation by talking to your friends, family, and loved ones who want to see you succeed in your recovery. Making amends for your mistakes and trying to repair these relationships can be extremely beneficial to your overall situation, as having loved ones encourage your recovery will make you more likely to succeed.

You can even suggest that you and your loved ones attend family or couples counseling, as many rehab programs offer this option (NIDA).

Can I Really Recover in 4 Months or Less?

If you are motivated to put an end to your substance abuse and build a strong recovery, you can do so with the help of a professional treatment program. But a large part of your success depends on how hard you work and whether or not you are able to embrace your treatment fully. Let us help you find the best option for your needs today by calling 800-934-1582(Sponsored) .

the Take-Away

With the right treatment and support, you can overcome narcotics addiction and begin living the life you deserve.